inspired by: barbara m. jousse’s ‘i love you the purplest,’ and krista lukas’ ‘i love you ben, the grayest.’ 

the one i can’t name, i love you blackest.

i love you the color of things feared, of skins fated, and the unknown dreaded.

i love you the color of daring, of doubt, and of dare-may-you-say, the devil.

i love you the color of purity, of renewal, of tolerance, and unconventional.

i love you the color of slim figures, of mouthful gasps, and deep black holes.

i love you the color that lets the stars shine and lets the moon boast.

i love you the color of not knowing: if you love me or not; if you lust for me or not.

i love you, the one i can’t name, the blackest.